

Today we've finished installing at ISEA2010RUHR, Dortmund, RWE Galerie (Freistuhl 7). The installation is still a bit unstable, we might need to work on it, or we can accept that the little creatures have their own lifespan, and let them check out as they feel worn out.
Some of the photos may be misleading, the sun was shining for about half an hour since we arrived, otherwise it's constantly raining. The press tour was held today, we gave some interviews in the early afternoon. One of them was for a radio, so we had to tell how our installation looks like. Opening tomorrow.



Preparing to ISEA, I've been to Pepe's Toys today, to get some replacement buddies, may some of them go wrong. I felt a bit disappointed. Almost all the old types of the toys we used were missing. It might be a problem later, because they usually don't last very long.
But I've also found a new one, which is totally amazing! It has new and really sophisticated mechanisms. I'll try to put one or two in the installation. See:


US tour

After the Asian and European tour, our twittering machines visit the US this Autumn. Listen to them at Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Arts, Minneapolis.

Our installation at ISEA 2010

The installation got invited to ISEA 2010, the 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Check out their programme, ISEA will take place in Ruhr, Germany between 20 - 29 August.

Twittering on art in Istanbul


AI gymnastics

We've just finished with setting up the robots in Istanbul. We exhibit in a funny place, an old gym in an old house. So now there a lot of robots, avatars, AIs are gathering in an old gym. The vernissage is today. Will post more photos later.


Our Robots are facing to East

We got invited to amber'09 Art and Technology Festival. It takes place in Istanbul from 6th to 15th of November.

The social, cultural and political consequences of exposing and augmenting our bodies will be explored. There will be a bunch of interesting installations and lectures going on there. Among others, i'm very interested in the keynote speaker, Stelarc's Prostetic Head. Join us there or online.


Tiny Video

We have a tiny video on the exhibition. Please check it. Longer video comes later!


Photos again

Thanks for the nice photos to Zoltán Csík-Kovács! Here you can find more of them.